An Organizational Head Manages Users

About an Organizational Head Managing Users

A prior permission from the System Administrator is required in order to authorize an organizational head to manage his/her organizational members as users.

Method that Enables an Organizational Head to Register Users

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head registers users.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >Create” on the menu.A screen for creating users will be displayed.

  3. Type in registration contents. Click the button “Move to the Confirmation Page”.The typed-in contents will be displayed.

  4. Confirm the typed-in registration contents. Click the button “Create” in order to register users.


An organizational head can add as users members of the organization or another organization that the person concurrently serves as the head.


Users cannot be registered, in a case where a user quota for each organization set by the System Administrator is reached.

Method that Enables an Organizational Head to View Users

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head views users.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Type in retrieval keywords and retrieval options in the search input form.Click the “Search” button in order to narrow down user information.

  4. Click the subject “User Name” link on the users list.The user information details will be displayed for view.


An organizational head can view users to the extent that the users are members of an organization that the person serves as the head or another organization that the person concurrently serves as the head.

Method that Enables an Organizational Head to Change Users

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head changes users.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Click the subject “User Name” link on the users list.The user information details will be displayed for view.

  4. Click the link “Change User Information”. An input form for changing user information will be displayed.

  5. Type in change contents. Click the button “Change” in order to change users.

Method for an Organizational Head to Disable one User Login

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head disables one user login.

  1. Log in with rights of organizational head or head of another organization that the person concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Click the subject “User Name” link on the users list.The user information details will be displayed for view.

  4. Click the link “Disable Login” in order to disable one user login.


If an organizational head disables a login of a user, the user will become unable to log in. If the head enables a login for the user again, the user will regain his/her original status.

Method to Enable an Organizational Head to Collectively Disable Users Login.

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head collectively disables login of users.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Select subject users on the users list. Click the link “Disable Login for the Selected Users” in order to collectively disable login for the selected users.


If an organizational head disables a login of users, the user will become unable to log in. If the head enables a login of the users again, the users will regain their original status.

Method for an Organizational Head to Enable one User Login

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head enables one user login.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Click the subject “User Name” link on the users list.The user information details will be displayed for view.

  4. Click the link “Enable Login” in order to enable a login.

Method for an Organizational Head to Delete One User

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head deletes a user.

  1. Log in with rights of organizational head or head of concurrent-service organization.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Click the subject “User Name” link on the users list.The user information details will be displayed for view.

  4. 「Click the link “Delete a User” in order to delete the user.


Data of a deleted user will no longer be available for view. A user deletion is irrevocable.

Method for an Organizational Head to Collectively Delete Users

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head collectively deletes users.

  1. Log in with rights of the head of an organizational or another organization that the organizational head concurrently serves.

  2. Click “Verifier or Organizational Head>Users >View” on the menu.A screen for users list will be displayed.

  3. Select subject users on the users list. Click the link “Delete the Selected Users”. The selected users will be collectively deleted. 。


Data of deleted users will no longer be available for view. A users deletion is irrevocable.