Managing system config

To create an announcement

The following is the procedure for creating an announcement

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Announcement” to display the announcement list screen.

  3. click “Create announcement” link to display the create announcement screen.

  4. Enter the registration details and then click the “Create” button to register the announcement.


You can use HTML TAG in the announcement body.


You can attach image file, word, excel,etc to announcement.


You can fix the display order of announcement to first by inputting 1 for value of display order.

To modify an announcement

The following is the procedure for modifying announcement information.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Announcement” to display the announcement list screen.

  3. On the announcement list screen, click the Edit link of desired announcement to display edit announcement screen.

  4. Make the changes you want and then click the “Apply” button to apply them.

To delete an announcement

The following is the procedure for deleting an announcement.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Announcement” to display the announcement list screen.

  3. On the announcement list screen, click the Delete link of desired announcement.

To Send a Push Notification for Announcement

The following is the procedure for sending a push notification of an announcement.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Announcement” to display the “Announcement list” page.

  3. Click the “Notify” link in the column of “Push notification” for a notification-subject announcement.


  • The Push Notification is a function dedicated for applications. Only terminals where an app is installed and a log into the app has ever been performed can receive a notice.

  • The Push Notification function is “executable” only when the “Release status” for an announcement reads ‘Being released’.

  • Set to disable terminals from authorizing a Push Notification in order to keep the terminals from receiving info. via Push Notification.

To configure display or not some items in the menu and home screen

The following is the procedure for configuring display or not some items in the menu and home screen.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Items in the menu & home screen” to display the Configure display or not screen.

  3. On the list, select the desired menu and items and then click the “Apply” button to display them.

To configure editable or not user information

The following is the procedure for configuring editable or not user information.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Editable user information” to display the Configure editable user information screen.

  3. On the list, select the desired items to be editable and then click the “Apply” button.

To modify the password expiration period

The following is the procedure for modifying the password expiration period.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. Click System management > System config >Password restrictions on the Menu in order to display the page‘Set a Password’.

  3. Select the “Set the password expiration period.” check box and input the password expiration period


Tick “Mandate a change of expired password”. This will enable a screen for changing a password to appear after logging in if the password is expired. Note that users are not allowed to leave the page of password change for other pages until they change their password, once the page appears.


All of the following requirements need to be satisfied in order to enable a mandate change of aging password upon expiry.

  • A password expiration date has been set.

  • “Mandate a change of expired password” has been ticked.

  • It has been configured to enable users to change their password by themselves. (The settings can be made on the screen “Enable or disable account information changes” after selecting “System management” and “System config” on the menu.)

To modify the password constraint

The following is the procedure for modifying the password constraint.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. Click System management > System config > Password restrictions on the Menu in order to display the page‘Set a Password’.

  3. Select the “Set the password constraint, and then click the “Apply” button.

To modify the contact page

The following is the procedure for modifying the contact page.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Contact page” to display the “Edit contact page ” screen.

  3. Edit the source of contact page, and then click the “Edit” button.

To modify the mail setting

The following is the procedure for modifying the mail setting.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Mail setting” to display the “Mail setting” screen.

  3. Make the changes you want and then click the “Apply” button to apply them.

To edit the mail template

The following is the procedure for editing the mail template.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Mail template” to display the “Mail template list” screen.

  3. On the mail template list, click the mail template name you would like to edit, to display the “Edit mail template” screen.

  4. Edit the “Subject”, “To participant (text)”, and “To checker (text)” of Japanese mail and English mail, and click the “Aplly” button.


Refer to Support site for the list of the variables which can be used by an e-mail template.


Japanese mails are sent to the students whose “Display language” is Japanese. And English mails are sent to the students whose “Display language” is English.


You can create your original mail template from the “Add” button on the “Mail template list” screen. You can select and use the created mail template on each mail delivery screen.


In editing the Email that send only to the participant, you cannot edit the text box of “To checker (text)”.


You can save change of e-mail template at “Edit mail template” display.


You can not return the state of the mail template to before after edit. You should download the mail template before edit.

  1. On the “Mail template list” screen, click the “Download all mail templates by the ZIP form” link.

  2. Download the mail template, and preserve the file of the ZIP form in an arbitrary place.

  3. Please use arbitrary software to open the file of the preserved ZIP form.

To modify the character code of CSV

The following is the procedure for modifying the character code of CSV.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Character code of CSV” to display the “Configure character code of CSV” screen.

  3. Modify the character code of CSV and then click the “Apply” button to apply them.

To create the homepage

The following is the procedure for creating the homepage.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Homepage” to display the “Configure the homepage ” screen.

  3. Specify the homepage(zip file), and then click the “Create” button.


The homepage(zip file) root directory must contain an index.html file.

To modify the Session Timeout

The following is the procedure for modifying the Session Timeout.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Session Timeout” to display the “Session Timeout” screen.

  3. Modify the number of Session Timeout and then click the “Apply” button to apply them.

To configure the HELP page

The following is the procedure for configuring the HELP page.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > HELP page” to display the “Configure HELP page” screen.

  3. Make the changes you want and then click the “Update” button to update them.

To configure the Login & Logout page

The following is the procedure for configuring the Login & Logout page.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Login & Logout page” to display the “Configure Login & Logout page” screen.

  3. Make the changes you want and then click the “Update” button to update them.


  • If you have access to top page of LearningCast(https://[domainName]/[tenantName]/), page you set will appear if you set the URL of the login page.

  • If you have access in the “Login.jsp” with as https://[domainName]/[tenantName]/Login.jsp, the default login page will be displayed instead of the page you have set.


It is possible to be logged in to LearningCast by sending the following request.

  • URL: https://[domainName]/[tenantName]/home/Home

  • POST parameters

Login ID





You can use the password reset function by sending the following request.

  • URL: https://[domainName]/[tenantName]/open/ResetPasswordAcceptForm

To modify the account lockout config

The account lockout is the function to reduce the risk of password interception by brute force. The specified loginid will become the state that are not available by continuous login failure. The following is the procedure for modifing the account lockout config.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Account lockout” to display the “Configure account lockout” screen.

  3. Make the changes you want and then click the “Update” button to update them.

To configure the class manager settings

Configure the class manager settings to allow class manager who is normal user to

  • add all users to class, or

  • add only users he registered to class.

The following is the procedure for configuring the class manager settings.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Class manager” to display the “Configure class manager settings” screen.

  3. Select an item from a dropdown list and then click the “Update” button to update them.

To set user attributes subject to outputting in a CSV file

Set user attributes subject to additionally outputting in a CSV file of progress status data. The following is the procedure for setting user attributes subject to outputting in a CSV file.

  1. Log in with system administrator rights.

  2. On the menu, click “System management > System config > Set user attributes subject to outputting in a CSV file”. Display the screen “Set user attributes subject to outputting in a CSV file”.

  3. Tick “Set”.

  4. A form for selecting user attributes is displayed on the screen. Select user attributes subject to additionally outputting in a CSV file.


Selected user attributes will be output additionally in a CSV file to be downloaded below.

  • “Download a list of progress statuses of organization members” on the screen “View progress statuses” selected after “Reviewer/Organization Leader”

  • “Download a list in a CSV file” on the screen “Class progress” seen by selecting “Class” and “Access”


A sequence of user attributes subject to outputting in a CSV file can be set by using a link of “Forward” and a link of “Backward”.

Method to Enable an Organizational Head to Register Users

Please find below the procedure for an organizational head to register users.

  1. Log in as the system administrator.

  2. Click “System management >System config>Organizational head authority” on the menu.A screen for setting organizational head authorities will be displayed.

  3. Select “Yes” to allow adding users of the System. Click the button “Update” in order to set the authorities.

Method to Enable an Organizational Head to Allocate Users by the Package

Please find below the procedure that an organizational head to allocate users by the Package.

  1. Log in as the system administrator.

  2. Click “System management >System config>Organizational head authority” on the menu.The organizational head authority page will be displayed.

  3. Select “Yes” to allow allocating organizational members by the package. Click the button “Update” in order to set the authorities.